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Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Panama-United States Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of Screwworm (hereinafter COPEG),

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

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Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Panama-United States Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of Screwworm (hereinafter COPEG),

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

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Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Panama-United States Commission for the Eradication and Prevention of Screwworm (hereinafter COPEG),

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Slide 2
Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Slide 1
Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Slide 3
Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama 

Currently, the New World Screwworm (NWS) remains in the eradication stage with incidences of positive cases in all the provinces of Panama except for the Guna Yala Region. By january 11th, Panama has a total of 24,696 positive cases, while at the regional level there is presence of NWS in Costa Rica with a total of 13,014 cases since the declaration of the outbreak, in Nicaragua there have been 9,279 cases, in Honduras 311 cases, in Guatemala 89 cases, Mexico only 3 cases, El Salvador 2 cases and Belize 2 cases of NWS to date.

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment

Currently Situation of Screwworm in Panama

Was created with the sole purpose to plan, design, construct, equip and operate a production plant of sterile flies for Screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax), to eradicate and prevent its re-infestation in the Republic of Panama, without causing harm to the environment


General Public
Scientific Community

Reference January 11th, 2025

Panama cases: 24,696
Costa Rica cases: 13,014
Nicaragua cases: 9,279
Guatemala cases: 89
El Salvador cases: 2
Mexico cases: 3
Belize cases: 2
Honduras cases: 311


ciclo de vida mosca del GBG

Sexually mature Flies


Host seeking by gravid female

Deposition of egg mass on wound

21 days

Development from egg through three larval stages in the wound

The screwworm larvae (L2 y L3), drill and consume the living tissue enlarging the wound

Fully developed L-3 larva drops to ground and burrows into soil

Develops into pupa and emerges as a young adult

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About Us


A multidisciplinary group of professionals in subject of prevention of Screwworm (SW) works to massively produce SW flies and release them in the field, while ground epidemiological surveillance is carried out to guarantee the maintenance of the Permanent Prevention Biological Barrier



Aerial Dispersal
(Until January 11th)

109,278,479 M

Pupae per Week
(Until January 11th)


Honduras cases
(Until January 11th)


Nicaragua cases
(Until January 11th)


Costa Rica cases
(Until January 11th)


Panama cases
(Until January 11th)


Guatemala cases
(Until January 11th)


Mexico cases
(Until January 11th)


Belize cases 
(Until January 11th)


El Salvador cases  
(Until January 11th)

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